Are you suffering from a potential sprained ankle?

The Omaha Foot & Ankle Specialists at MD West ONE are able to properly diagnose and treat a sprained ankle injury through both surgical and non-surgical treatments. If you have the following symptoms, you may want to make an appointment with one of our Board Certified Specialists.

  • Pain when weight bearing
  • Swelling in ankle/foot region
  • Bruising
  • Sound of a pop or snap at the time of injury
ankle sprain

How does a sprained ankle happen?

The most common mechanism is rolling the ankle inward, also known as an inversion injury. This can injure the outside (lateral) ankle ligaments due to the stretching force accruing when the foot turns inward. 

The common activities that can lead to this include:

  • Stepping on an uneven surface
  • Jumping and landing on the outer part of the foot
  • Having the weight of your body turn your foot completely on its side
  • Cutting and stopping suddenly as the foot is planted and the body keeps moving

These mechanisms are common in athletic activities but also can occur when we slip on the stairs, step down off a curb, step in a hole, or twist on a slippery surface. An "eversion force" is what injures the deltoid ligament by the foot rolling or twisting outward from under the leg. This type of injury is not as common as the lateral ankle injury. 

How are sprained ankles diagnosed?

Your doctor will diagnose the condition by taking your personal history, physical exam, and imaging tests such as X-rays.

American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society

This article has been written and peer-reviewed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.