Methodist HealthWest Outpatient Surgery


16120 West Dodge Road, North Entrance Omaha NE 68118

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MD West One Methodist HealthWest Outpatient Surgery

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MD West ONE exam room
MD West ONE building interior
MD West ONE building interior

Providers at Methodist HealthWest Outpatient Surgery

Nothing To Show

The Dr's. have always shared my xrays with me and showed me exactly what they are talking about. They always have given me the least invasive option to the to the that may involve surgery. Dr's. run through all pros and cons and make sure I understand this my decision to make. I have recommended the clinic to several others.

Mary Nelson Avatar Mary N.

Was referred to MD West one from another clinic where I was seen for my hip. I was able to get in right away and was seen by PA Julie and Dr Doran . I really liked them both. Julie took time to listen to my complaints and found cause and the same for Dr Doran. I’ve been to several doctors to try to find the cause of my pain, Vein specialist and hip specialist but I think I may finally get the relief and solution to my issues. I would recommend them both

Madelaine Adler Avatar Madelaine A.

I've had brain surgery with doctor Steven Dorn and his nurse Julie and their assistant Lynn is wonderful. I have been going to them since before 2012 when I had my brightness stimulator implanted. I've had a few surgeries with him since then and this group is wonderful. They are Christian they are sensitive they are just absolutely God send and I thank God for them. I love thank you guys for everything that you have done for me. You guys have saved my life

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Robert Christopherson Avatar Robert C.

Ready to make an appointment with a specialist?
Online self scheduling is available!