Methodist HealthWest Outpatient Surgery


16120 West Dodge Road, North Entrance Omaha NE 68118

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MD West One Methodist HealthWest Outpatient Surgery

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MD West ONE exam room
MD West ONE building interior
MD West ONE building interior

Providers at Methodist HealthWest Outpatient Surgery

Nothing To Show

Before and after my surgery everyone at MD WEST ONE took care of me, made sure I was comfortable and after each visit I received a call making sure everything was going good and if I had and concerns. Definitely 5 star's. Dr. O’Malley was great and did great work.

Colt Perrault Avatar Colt P.

With the exception of the patient registrar I would rate the visit a 10. Dr Otterberg was cordial and professional, as usual and I was in and out in an efficient amount of time. I had to greet the registrar who did not even look up at me and was very robotic in her manner as if she were too busy to bother with me. I would rate her a 3 and that's generous. I was a registrar before I retired and I would never treat a patient as she did.

Lillie Lindgren Avatar Lillie L.

Dr.Gaffney at MD West One is my favorite orthopedic doctor. He’s done a few surgeries on my wrists and is very empathetic and compassionate. He always listens and answers all my questions. He never makes me feel like an annoyance. His bedside manner is unmatched. I highly recommend Dr.Gaffney for shoulder, arm, hand care. The staff at MD West One is always friendly.

D M Avatar D M.

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