Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)

A stroke can happen when blood flow to the brain is stopped either by a blood clot blocking or a ruptured blood vessel that is carrying oxygenated blood to your brain. When this happens the parts of your brain being blocked off are not getting blood and oxygen causing the cells (tissue) to die. Strokes are the #5 cause of death and the leading cause of disabilities in the United States. Here at MD West ONE, we have Neurosurgery and Spine Specialists that can properly diagnose this issue.


Signs and Symptoms

If you believe you are having a stroke stop reading and call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. 

It is very important to know the signs and symptoms of a stroke and to get immediate help right away. Treatment works best when started right away. This can happen suddenly without warning and everyone may display them differently. Some of the most common are:

  • Weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg, usually on one side of the body
  • Having trouble speaking or understanding
  • Problems with vision, such as dimness or loss of vision in one or both eyes
  • Dizziness or problems with balance or coordination
  • Problems with movement or walking
  • Fainting (loss of consciousness) or seizure
  • Severe headaches with no known cause, especially if they happen suddenly

The easiest way to remember these is by thinking FAST. 

  • F - Face drooping
  • A - Arm weakness
  • S - Speaking issues (slurring words or having a hard time talking)
  • T - Time to call 911

What types of strokes are there? 

  • Ischemic stroke - this happens when a blood clot blocks or restricts blood from getting through an artery leading to the brain
  • Hemorrhagic stroke - this happens when a blood vessel bursts and bleeds into the brain, preventing direct blood supply to the surrounding tissue
  • Transient strokes - these are also known as TIAs or mini-stroke, this form of stroke only lasts a few minutes because the blockage to the brain is brief

Meet the MD West ONE Neurosurgery & Spine Specialists

Bradley Bowdino, MD

Bradley S. Bowdino, MD
Neurosurgery & Spine

Stephen Doran, MD

Stephen E. Doran, MD

Neurosurgery & Spine

Landon Ehlers, MD

Landon Ehlers, MD
Neurosurgery & Spine

Andrew Gard, MD

Andrew Gard, MD

Neurosurgery & Spine

Jordan Lacy, MD

Jordan P. Lacy, MD
Neurosurgery & Spine

Keith Lodhia, MD

Keith R. Lodhia, MD
Neurosurgery & Spine

Guy Music, MD

Guy A. Music, MD
Neurosurgery & Spine